Lesson series

IPS Empowering all Roles in Aged Care

Introducing tailored modules for infection prevention and control for all roles within an aged care facility will empower staff with essential knowledge and skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to maintain a safe environment. These comprehensive modules aim to safeguard the wellbeing of residents by promoting best practices and enhancing the overall quality of care.
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Check out our IPS Course Catalogue

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Want to try out IPS HUB? 

Access the IPS HUD for free for 7 days!
Subscribing to the IPS HUB provides you with:

  • An Easy-to-use Digital Platform for you and your staff.
  • Monthly Reports (Documentation to demonstrate your staff’s IPC readiness).
  • Confidence that new staff will be trained in life-saving infection prevention practices.
  • Assurance that you and your staff are prepared to pass your accreditation.

IPS Courses

Our IPS Courses are designed to ensure the safety of both residents and staff in aged care facilities. Understanding the fundamental principles of infection prevention is crucial for everyone involved, from laundry and kitchen staff to healthcare workers and administrators. Our courses offer both orientation and annual refresher modules tailored to the specific roles within your team.

Tailored Learning Modules

Modules for Orientation/Annual Refresher and Outbreaks are customised to address the unique responsibilities of each team member, providing relevant and practical knowledge 

Laundry Team

Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules

Kitchen Team

Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules

Maintenance Teams

Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules


Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules

Cleaning Team

Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules

Healthcare Workers

Orientation/ Refresher
Outbreak Modules

Maintain a Safe and Healthy Environment 

By participating in our IPC courses, your team will be better prepared to maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in your care facility

Interactive and Scenario-Based Learning

This immersive approach helps team members fully grasp how infection prevention principles apply to their specific roles

Outbreak Training

These modules are designed to be used whenever an outbreak occurs, offering engaging and interactive training

Certification and Reporting

All modules come with a certificate of attendance, and facilities receive a monthly report of completed courses, ensuring ongoing compliance and tracking of training progress.

IPC Leads Modules

Infection Prevention and Control Leads (IPC Leads) are the cornerstone of every facility. We acknowledge their critical role
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Preparing IPC Leads for Success

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A comprehensive "Preparing for Success" course

Helping IPC Leads succeed
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IPC Lead Program

Monthly interactive modules