
Here are detailed instructions for applying training gel to check hand hygiene in aged care facilities:

1. Ensure you have the following materials:
- Fluorescent training gel
- UV light source
- Sink with running water
- Soap dispenser
- Paper towels

2. Set up the training area near a sink with good lighting.

3. Inform participants about the purpose of the training and the non-toxic nature of the gel.

Application of Training Gel

1. Dispense a small amount (about 3 ml) of fluorescent training gel onto the palms of each participant.

2. Instruct participants to spread the gel thoroughly over their hands, including:
- Palms
- Back of hands
- Between fingers
- Under nails
- Wrists

3. Allow the gel to dry completely on hands (usually takes about 30 seconds).

Hand Washing Procedure

1. Direct participants to wash their hands using their normal technique with soap and water.

2. Ensure they follow the facility's standard hand washing duration (typically 20-30 seconds).

3. Have participants dry their hands thoroughly with paper towels.


1. In a darkened area, use the UV light to inspect participants' hands.

2. Areas that still glow under UV light indicate missed areas during hand washing.

3. Pay special attention to commonly missed areas:
- Fingertips
- Thumbs
- Between fingers
- Wrists


1. Discuss the results with participants, highlighting areas for improvement.

2. Demonstrate proper hand washing technique if necessary.

3. Allow participants to rewash their hands and check again under UV light to reinforce proper technique.


1. Summarise key learning points about thorough hand washing.

2. Answer any questions from participants.

3. Provide resources for further information on hand hygiene in aged care settings.

By following these instructions, aged care facilities can effectively use training gel to improve hand washing techniques among staff, ultimately enhancing infection control practices.

Hand Hygiene Resources